Christoph Müller

lic. phil., Swiss Certified Psychotherapist FSP 

Psychotherapy, crisis intervention, emergency psychology, trauma and grief management for children and adults, lecturer on relaxation techniques in the health, legal and educational sectors, on burnout and stress prevention, mobbing and sexual harassment, conductor of Zen meditation at the Maximilianeum Zurich

Main focus: Depression, trauma, fears and compulsions, personality disorders, adaptation disorders, relationship disorders, psychoanalytic therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy with focus on mindfulness

Language: German, knowledge in English and French

Dominique Lepori

lic. oec. HSG, CFA, lic. phil., Swiss Certified Psychotherapist ASP

Training Analyst, Supervisor and Lecturer Jung Institute, IAAP 

Sandplay Training Analyst, Supervisor and Lecturer ISST and SGSST

Group Analyst SGAZ, GAS, D3G

Main focus: Psychotherapy for adults as well as for children and adolescents, adaptation disorders, depression, burnout, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, trauma; for children, separation anxiety, school anxiety and absenteeism, developmental and behavioral disorders

Language: German, English, Italian, French, knowledge in Spanish

Psychiatrists' Network

Cosmin Chita

med. pract. specialist for Psychiatry Psychotherapy

Group Analyst SGAZ , GAS

Advanced trainer in basic competence group therapy, Balint group leader for doctors, therapists and nursing staff, supervision for doctors in training, team supervision and coaching for therapeutic and psychosocial teams in institutions, organizational consulting for therapeutic and psychosocial institutions

Main focus: ADHD in adults, workplace-related disorders, psychoanalytic short-term therapies, LGBTIS consultation, psychoanalytic psychosis therapy, counseling and psychotherapy for people with a migration background, clarification of chronic depression, social anxiety, counseling and psychotherapy for adolescents and young adults

Language: German, French, English, Romanian